Author: Ben Brabyn

Kiss your way to sales success

Albert Einstein said; “If you can’t explain it, you don’t understand it well enough.” Put another way, we need to “Keep it Simple Stupid” if we want to communicate effectively. This is where so many set out to fail. But (...)

Halve your cost of sales – by doubling your salesforce for free

If you’re pedalling hard to grow your sales, you’ll know the effort it takes to keep your growth momentum, and you may be finding the cost of each new sale is higher than the last as you finish picking up (...)

Smoking your way to sales success

I spent much of my childhood trying to persuade my father to give up smoking. Things reached a climax when I miscalculated a small explosive charge I’d inserted into one of his Gauloises and pitted his face with tobacco strands. (...)

What would you like others to be tweeting about your business?

What is the Minimum Viable Message (MVM?) that you would like other people to be sharing about your business (by twitter, in a bar, over breakfast – wherever and whenever)? If you feature in an unforgettable and brief message, your (...)

Get alongside, don’t pitch

B2B Sales involve the sharing of complex information, and alignment with procurement processes. It’s no surprise that the chances of lining up your pitch with their buying timetable – and getting the essential information exchanged between you – with a (...)

Customers love referrals more than pitches

Clusters of companies provide ideal conditions for spotting successful and unsuccessful behaviours. One of the most notable distinctions between those that achieve rapid growth and those that do not is the share of sales that come by referral. What share (...)

What is your Personal Network Identity (PNI)?

No matter how skilful and hard working you are, your environment – and in particular your relationships and reputation – will shape your results. Often we focus on evaluating our skills and energy, neglecting our networks and the effects that (...)

Are you a broker or a closer?

The shape of your network is a key driver of your career. Do most of the people you know already know each other? Then you’re a “closer”. On the other hand, if you know plenty of people who don’t know (...)

What is your Personal Network Identity?

Sales success isn’t only about you – it’s about the way people relate around you – to you and to each other. In other words your success depends on the relationships you build and the way you manage them – (...)

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