Author: Ben Brabyn
You’re getting the meetings – but are you keeping the attention? “Never dump the whole roast on the platter” – a piece of advice from a 1930s Chicago exotic dancer recounted by Chicagoan David Bodanis, author of The Art of (...)
- Ben Brabyn
- Thought leadership
KISS – Keep It Simple: Signal The power of prize programmes is their signalling effect. Done right, the value of the signal that the prize programme sends is many times more valuable than the cost of the prize itself. Our (...)
- Ben Brabyn
- Thought leadership
US Presidents have very limited powers. The US Constitution was deliberately designed to protect the Republic from the tyranny of kings. If they want to get things done, presidents have to build partnerships. But you don’t have to be a (...)
- Ben Brabyn
- Thought leadership
Conjuring Up Positive Uncertainty In 1979, artist and author Kit Williams buried a handmade golden hare somewhere in the English countryside. He wrote a beautifully illustrated puzzle book – Masquerade – which captivated millions of people who hoped to find (...)
- Ben Brabyn
- Thought leadership
Incompleteness Keeps Us Curious In a recent episode of the Freakonomics Podcast, Do You Need Closure, Angela Duckworth and Mike Maughan discuss the Zeigarnik Effect. Their conversation explores a human trait that we can use constructively to sustain and build (...)
- Ben Brabyn
- Thought leadership
Introduction Over the past few weeks, I’ve had surprising conversations with several individuals who are wizards at building professional relationships, but have not yet achieved work love balance. They’ve shared a common struggle: finding the time and energy to cultivate (...)
- Ben Brabyn
- Thought leadership
- Ben Brabyn
- Thought leadership
Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s not only intriguing but also super valuable: what people say about you. You might be wondering, “Why does that even matter?” Well, let me tell you, it’s a lot more important than you (...)
- Ben Brabyn
- Thought leadership
Introduction As we embark on the journey through 2024, the business landscape is abuzz with opportunities, especially for B2B leaders. At the heart of this evolving arena is the concept of Return on Social Capital (RoSC). But the crucial question (...)
- Ben Brabyn
- Thought leadership