Trust in Business 2024 Prize

Who will win

The entrant or nominee who, in the opinion of the judges, has done most to increase public trust in business and technology in 2024.

What’s the prize

One pebble (additional special awards will also be made).

When’s the deadline

Nominations will close at the end of August 2024. The prize will be awarded in November 2024.

What will the judges be looking for?

Our society depends on business to create employment, wealth and strong communities. The judges will award this prize to the person who they believe has done most to boost public trust in business and technology this year. They will have complete freedom to interpret how the winner has helped strengthen trust, and the prize is open to the widest possible range of applications and nominations.*

Trust in Business 2024 Prize

Entry Information

Entry Details

Who are you nominating for the award?
Share the reason(s) why this person should win the Trust in Business 2024 Prize

We welcome sponsors for this prize. If you would like to discuss sponsoring the Trust in Business 2024 Prize please contact us and we will share our sponsorship pack. Sponsoring this prize is both a powerful investment in society and a great way to engage with aligned partners. Our sponsorship team will be on hand to help ensure you benefit from an excellent return on your sponsorship investment.

This prize is open to anyone 16 years old or more. By entering you agree that we can share details of your nomination information and first name. The judges will make their determination in autumn 2024. *We may change these terms at our absolute discretion. This competition is administered by Amitypath Ltd.

Amitypath promotes many more prizes. To find more and apply, visit our prizes page.