Impact by 30 Prize 2024

Who will win: the nominee who has done most to contribute to the safety of the UK, and its people, infrastructure and reputation around the world in the last 12 months.

What’s the prize: an award by the Common Mission Project UK

When’s the deadline: 31 March 2024

Building relationships, contributing ideas to national security, promoting public trust in institutions – there are many ways to make our communities thrive. The Impact by 30 Award 2024, sponsored by the Common Mission Project UK, celebrates the role of individuals from all walks of life under 30 years old in making us all safer.

So if you know – or if you are – someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the safety of the UK and its people, infrastructure or reputation around the world, please nominate – or apply – for this award and tell your friends!

Stronger Together image
Impact by 30 Prize 2024

Entry Information

Entry Details

Who are you nominating for the award?
Share the reason(s) why this person should win the Impact by 30 Prize 2024

This competition is open to anyone 16 years old or more and under the age of 30 on 1 January 2024. By entering you agree that Amitypath and the Common Mission Project UK can share your question and first name in public activities. We will select the best question in April 2024 and notify the winner in May 2024. *We may change these terms at our absolute discretion. This competition is administered by Amitypath Ltd and sponsored by the Common Mission Project UK.