Pathfinders make a world of difference by making connections.
We believe Pathfinders should be recognised and rewarded.

Who needs Superconnecting?

Ben Brabyn and Sohan Dsouza

We are looking for ambitious and bold entrepreneurs and leaders who want network superpowers.

At Amitypath, we help organisations tap into the power of extended networks – for business development, strategy, fundraising, and to ensure they can recruit and retain the right people. For example, we work with

We curate campaigns – like this one – that create dynamic expert networks to harness collective intelligence to solve the thorniest challenges.

Since referral plays such an important part in success, we want to recognise and reward the people who help us build our business.

It takes a community to build a business, and we’d love you to join our community.

Sohan and Ben

Join this Pathfinder Campaign!

We will give you £1,000 if…

  • Someone registers below, mentioning you as their referrer and becomes a customer of Amitypath, or
  • Someone registers below, mentioning you as their referrer and then refers someone who becomes a customer of Amitypath


  • If you’re a potential customer yourself, please register below and tell us who referred you and we’ll be in touch, or
  • Register below and share this page with friends who you think might be customers or know customers

And we’ll give one person who registers – chosen at random – £500 each time we sign a new customer.

Pathfinder Campaigns are designed to recognise and reward the people “in between” who make valuable connections possible, so please register to become and/or appreciate a connection-maker.

Get Involved

If you've been referred here, please share the email address of the person who referred you so we can tell them, recognise their participation and give them their reward.
If you don't have or are not sure of their email address, you can optionally share the LinkedIn URL of the person who referred you - or else put their name or contact information in the Feedback box below.
Use this field to tell us anything you want about this Pathfinder Campaign. We value the views and insights of Pathfinders and would love to hear from you.

This Pathfinder Campaign is open to anyone 16 years old or more. If we receive multiple referrals for the same person or group, we’ll use the time and date stamp collected from the referral form submission to choose the first referrer – and the same for those who introduce referrers. By entering you agree to the Amitypath terms and conditions. This Pathfinder Campaign is administered by Amitypath Ltd and sponsored by Amitypath Ltd.