Seeking investors to recover shipwrecked gold

Six Atlantic shipwrecks hold $3.2bn of gold

A Remotely Operated Vehicle at depth
Groundbreaking remote sensing technology

Our client is seeking $75m to fund a salvage operation – can you help?

Over 7,000 Allied merchant ships were sunk during WW1 and WW2, mostly in deep water; hundreds of which were known to be registered gold and silver transports.

Only a few shipwrecks below 200m have been salvaged as these cannot be accessed by commercial divers and require capital investment in submersibles. Our client is a unique alternative investment fund focussed on financing the salvage of valuable cargoes.

As well as a highly experienced salvage team, the client has exclusive access to the most comprehensive database of shipping and insurance records from this time and has used this to develop a pipeline of projects with a high likelihood of gold salvage.

The client is trialling groundbreaking remote sensing technology which, once fully operational, will allow it to confirm the presence of precious metals on target wrecks before starting salvage operations.

The client is seeking total funding of $75m to allow it to salvage 6 wrecks over the next three years.

The precious metals on the 6 prime targets is estimated at $3.2bn of value.

The client has access to exclusive research which identifies those that were carrying precious metals at the time of loss. The client plans to finance the recovery of cargo from up to six validated wrecks.

Three of these wrecks have previously been located and surveyed and remote sensing technology has provided confirmation of precious metals at wreck locations.

The team plans to target nearby wrecks in clusters allowing for single point survey and salvage operations running concurrently. This reduces costs significantly and mitigates risk should individual wrecks fail to produce a return.

The wrecks and cargoes in this project are owned by the UK Government and thus do not have 3rd party claims to address. The client has a strong relationship with the Irish authorities and has a green light to carry out salvage operations.


We’re looking for your help in finding investors for the client, so if you know a potential investor – or know someone else who you think may know an investor, then you could be in for a reward.

To get involved, please fill in the form below, and share with friends who you think may know an investor. Don’t forget to remind them to mention you as their introducer.

Thank you! 

Nominator (you)

1. Nominate for 1% of what you raise

If you nominate someone who subsequently invests, we will pay you 1% of the value of their investment. Just give us the details and who to contact in the form below.

Introducer (you)

2. Introduce a Nominator for 1% of what you raise

If you introduce this campaign to a friend who nominates someone who subsequently invests, we will pay you 1% of the value of their investment. Just share this page with your friend and remind them to add you as their introducer.

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This rewarded campaign is open to anyone 16 years old or more. If we receive multiple nominations for the same person or group, we’ll use the time and date stamp collected from the nomination form submission to choose the first nomination–the same for those who introduce nominators. By entering you agree to the Amitypath terms and conditions. This rewarded campaign is administered by Amitypath Ltd.